
Ekonavi + Arbitrum ReFi NFT Launch

Ecological Asset Tracking & Market Economies

Arbitrum ReFi: Bridging Blockchain, Real-World Agroforestry Projects, and Verified Data


RWA Ekonavi Ecological Projects

Ekonavi is proud to introduce a groundbreaking NFT collection that leverages blockchain technology to foster the bioeconomy through real-world agroforestry projects. This collection goes beyond typical digital assets by linking each NFT to a physical project with verifiable impact in biodiversity, fair supply chains, and carbon sequestration.

These NFTs are not just digital representations; they are backed by data provided directly by the projects, offering transparency and accountability to investors and stakeholders.

The Bond Between Agroforestry, Blockchain & Coordination

IRL Ekonavi Ecological Reports

The purpose of the ReFi ecosystem is mainly concerned with governance and resource allocation for IRL regenerative projects.

Given its origins in the Global South, Ekonavi begins with the proposal to optimize resource allocation in agroforestry projects by using its status as the largest validator on the Regen Network to distribute resources to projects that regularly report their results.

The allocation model also follows a decentralized approach, where the community curates the allocation process. However, certain steps are necessary to scale our reach and increase the volume of our support.

Decentralization of Governance: Ekonavi is a company offering a unique solution to meet the demands of agroforestry projects seeking support, companies looking to offset their emissions, and investors wanting exposure to the bioeconomy directly linked to agroforestry. As we grow, supported by a community of over 700 projects and strategic partnerships, we recognize the opportunity to transfer part of the governance to this community.

Action Point: The projects listed in this first cohort will be the first invited to participate in governance, and the buyers of the NFTs for these respective projects will also be eligible to receive the governance token airdrop.

Capital Allocation: Recognizing the global challenge of allocating capital in the bioeconomy, we curated projects ranked according to their maturity and capacity so that investors can build direct partnerships while also participating in Ekonavi's governance.

Action Point: Through a partnership with ReFaz, Ekonavi offers free mediation between investors and companies seeking execution projects in Brazil, and a network of projects capable of executing, monitoring, and reporting data. The goal of this mediation is to ensure access to quality data for investors and companies and fair agreements for the listed ecological projects.

Arbitrum Explorer with Ekonavi Project Assets

In line with this vision, over the past seven months, we have dedicated ourselves to building solid partnerships to ensure liquidity and access to technology for the network of projects that rely on Ekonavi for support. The launch of this collection formalizes our commitment to governance decentralization.

By purchasing NFTs from this collection, users automatically become eligible for the governance token airdrop that will be distributed, in the first generation, to the listed projects. The higher the ranking of the acquired NFTs, the greater the share of governance tokens the user will receive. (That’s why we limited the first mint to 10 per project)

We aim to empower agroforestry projects to establish direct, fair, and efficient relationships with Web3.

Data Integrity and Verification

The data underpinning each NFT in this collection is sourced directly from the ecological projects themselves. Two layers of verification ensure the credibility of this information:

  1. Community Curation: Agroforestry experts and practitioners within the Ekonavi community continuously review and validate the claims made by each project. This ongoing peer review is facilitated through regular updates posted on the Ekonavi platform, which doubles as a social media and data reporting hub.

  2. Project Curation: The projects featured in the first cohort were meticulously selected by the Ekonavi team and community, ensuring only credible and impactful initiatives are included. These are not just digital projects—they are tangible, real-world initiatives that anyone can visit and verify.

Data Collection Framework

ifrs issb standards logo

Ekonavi uses the ISSB (IFRS 1 & 2) standards as the foundation for data collection, ensuring alignment with international financial reporting standards. However, recognizing the unique challenges faced by agroforestry projects, Ekonavi has "humanized" the data collection process, making it accessible for farmers.

The data is collected through user-friendly Tally forms, and the projects that participated in live online sessions to learn about web3, carbon markets, and liquidity for sustainable projects.

This approach not only standardizes the data but also empowers project owners with the knowledge to engage with blockchain technology.

Ranking and Pricing of NFTs

Each NFT in the collection is ranked based on the potential impact of the project it represents. The ranking system is built on three key criteria:

  1. Community and Team Curation: Inclusion in the collection signifies that a project has been vetted by both the Ekonavi team and its community.
  2. Data Completeness: Projects are ranked higher if they provide comprehensive and reliable data, showcasing their capacity to report and deliver on their promises.
  3. Certification: Projects that receive additional certification from the Ekonavi advisory board are awarded higher rankings.

The price of each NFT starts at $10 and increases by $5 for each level in the ranking system, which ranges from CCC to AAA. This ranking reflects the project's potential for impact and the level of governance the project will gain at Ekonavi DAO. The higher the ranking of the asset purchased, the higher the airdrop of governance tokens that the owner will be able to claim.

Direct Access to Projects

One of the distinguishing features of the Ekonavi NFT collection is the direct relationship it fosters between buyers and the projects. Unlike traditional middlemen, Ekonavi ensures that buyers have direct access to the data suppliers, facilitating a transparent and fair relationship. This approach addresses one of the most significant challenges in the compensation market—efficient capital allocation—by focusing on micro-data from projects that are visible, verifiable, and grounded in the real world.

The Assets


  • Biodiversity: Each asset will represent the biodiversity impact of a specific project, such as the preservation of species, restoration of native vegetation, or enhancement of ecological corridors.
  • Fair Supply Chains: These assets will reflect the social impact of ensuring fair trade and equitable practices within the supply chain, focusing on fair wages, ethical sourcing, and support for small-scale farmers.
  • Carbon: Carbon assets will quantify the carbon sequestration achieved by the agroforestry projects, including details on the amount of carbon offset and the methodologies used for measurement.

NFT Structure

  1. Image
  2. Name of the project at Ekonavi
  3. Link of the project at Ekonavi
  4. Name of the steward
  5. Mini bio of the project
  6. Rank of the project according to Ekonavi Web3 Cohort
  7. Link to the answers of the project at Ekonavi cohort (Metadata about intentions, biodiversity, etc - just for buyers)


  • Visual Representation: The NFTs can be visually designed to reflect their impact categories, using color coding or icons to easily distinguish between Biodiversity, Fair Supply Chains, and Carbon assets.
  • Impact Dashboard: A dashboard on Ekonavi could aggregate data from these NFTs, offering users a comprehensive view of the overall impact generated by the cohort of projects. This dashboard could show totals for biodiversity, fair trade improvements, and carbon sequestration.
  • Interactivity: Allow NFT holders to interact with the data, possibly through periodic updates or the ability to view real-time changes in the project's impact, ensuring the assets are dynamic and continuously valuable.

Market and Utility (what buyers gain)

  • Access to a curated list of mature ecological projects in Brazil with the capacity to plan, execute, and report (through international standards such as the ISSB) on sustainability and regenerative ventures.
  • Access to future governance features on the Ekonavi DAO (buying from B & A projects will give access to the future airdrop of governance tokens)

Verification and Transparency

  • Blockchain Verification: Ensure that each NFT's metadata is verifiable on-chain, providing transparency and trust for potential buyers and stakeholders.
  • Impact Audits: Periodically audit the impact data to maintain the credibility and accuracy of the NFT collection, with the results published on both Ekonavi and Arbitrum.


The NFT assets are categorized into seven levels, from CCC to AAA:

  • CCC: Basic capability to execute and report on regenerative projects, ideal for donations.
  • CCB: Ability to execute small projects with basic reporting.
  • CBB: Mid-low potential with plans to enhance infrastructure and reporting.
  • BBB: Mid potential, eligible for grants up to $5k with deliverable reporting.
  • BBA: Mid-high potential, capable of handling grants up to $10k with a legal structure.
  • BAA: High potential, with the ability to manage up to $20k and adhere to legal frameworks.
  • AAA: Maximum potential, eligible for up to $50k, fully compliant with reporting and legal standards.


Ponto Agroecológico Dente de Leão
A place in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, where we promote contact with the forest, BioConstruction techniques, Agroecology and Permaculture. The products and services at the AgroEcological point are here to show you how living with less is actually more, much more☺️
Pupunha, Cafe, Pequi, Acerola, Citricus, xixa, Mamao, manga, pitanga, gioaba, acai, cacau, uvaia, amora, cupuaçu, banana, inga, acafrão cafe, feijao de porco, mamao, banana, acabaxi, pimenta, capim limao, amendoin, taioba, umbigo de banana, cafe, banananeiras, mamao, batata doce, taioba, acabaxi, capim limao, citronela, amendoim, acafrão, feijao de porco.
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Sítio Agroecológico Haribol
Our main objective is to preserve and rebuild the spaces of this place, presenting regenerative proposals for living in integration with nature, proposing racialized education and quilombismo as a guide and format for our activities. We build technologies and knowledge that also permeate, in addition to Agroecology and Permaculture, Quilombo Farming, Traditional and Ancestral Agriculture, anti-racism, and feminism. We are for connections in networks that foster cultural diversity and biodiversity.
Eucalipto Globus, Castanheira, Chacrona, Mamão, Acerola, Feijão Andu, Fruta Pão, Amoreira, Bananas Uvaia, Algodão, Urucum, Graviola, Fruta do sábia, Abacateiro, Pitaya, Manga, Maracujá doce, Ameixa amarela do cerrado.
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IVISAM - Instituto Vida em Sintropia da Amazônia
In the State of Pará, Ivisam aims to contribute to the well-being of communities through practical activities of self-organization and syntropy, replicating natural processes that allow the maintenance of life, based on the principles of Permaculture.
Açaí, Cacau, Maranhoto, Banana, Castanha do Pará, Andiroba, Uxi, Mangostão, Rambutã, Cupuaçu, Café, Cedro, Angelim, Mogno africano, Mogno brasileiro, Pupunha, Caju do mato, Laranja, Limão, Goiaba, Bacuri, Manga, Pimenta do reino, Mamão, Jatobá, Quiabo, Melancia, Macaxeira, Açafrão, Coentro, Feijão, Milho.
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Arbitrum Contract
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Campo Verde da Lagoa
In the State of Ceará, northeast region of Brazil, we are a family that has been taking care of agroforestry systems with a focus on free-range chickens and stingless bees. Our purpose is to promote biodiversity, soil nutrition and food production in the Lagoa de Dentro area in Beberibe - CE. The exchange of knowledge and connections between people has been our path in search of the dissemination of knowledge. We are open to visits and research. We were awarded the seedling nursery in the Ekonavi contest in the first edition!
bananeira, moringa, leucena, urucum, sabia, umbu, angico, catingueira, jurema, goiaba, limão, laranja, cajá, pitanga, pitomba, siriguela, cajarana, tangerina, mutre, margaridã, acerola, graviola, cedro, ipe, jacaranda, crajiru, hortela, penicilina, boldo, cheiro verde, couve.
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Projeto Refloresta - GAMBA
Projeto Refloresta aims to recover degraded protection areas converted into pastures, by introducing forestry and agroforestry systems in family production units. This initiative seeks to raise awareness among rural producers with a family farming profile of the importance of maintaining the environmental regularity of rural properties and the positive effects of good practices in recovering springs and watercourses with the increase in forested and agroforested areas. Through environmental education practices and actions, the project demonstrates the impact of the action in maintaining ecological functions and services in the surroundings of Serra da Jiboia.
Umburana de cheiro, Pau brasil, Jabuticaba de porco, Itapicuru preto, Caroba do mato, Caatinga de pouco, Pau ferro, Angelim doce, Oiti mirim, Sibipiruna, Pau pombo, Ingá de metro, Canafístula, Aroeirinha, Angico preto.
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OCA Terravila Global
Mixing art, Agroforestry and a decentralized management system OCA TerraVila is an experiment that has been successful by offering experimenters the freedom to produce their own sustenance. Without having a centralizing authority. The legacy models leave a gap that cannot be filled. The proposal presented is for access and not possession. Collaborators can be transitory, temporary and 'permanent' because the transience of life is a fact.
Urucum, Graviola, Oiti, Jacarandá, Jatobá, Caju, Gueiroba, Leucena, Laranja Lima, Aroeira, Gonçaleiro, Pequi, Manga, Coco, Caju, Ciriguela, Café, Laranja, Limão, Pitanga, Saboneteira, Goiaba, Capim Limão, Citronela, Chanana, Manjericão, Açafrão, Boldo, Boldo do Chile, Ora-pro-nobis, Pimenta, Mamão.
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Arbitrum Contract
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A Lot
In Minas Gerais, Brazil, Lot is a green occupation initiative on a peri-urban plot of land owned by a family from Florestal. During the pandemic, after the space was used by the Florestalse Agroecology Association - AFLORA to carry out its marketing activities, a seed was planted there. A collective effort to clean and organize the space began, which, supported by the Terra Fina collective, soon became a diversity of production systems: nursery, gardens, vegetable gardens, medicinal mandala, SAF, small farm, etc. Currently, the space is home to a biodiversity of plants, with a focus on medicinal and abundant plants, with a high potential for supplying food, medicines and organic matter.
Seriguela, Mangueira, Pitangueira, Jaca, Abacateiro, Acerola, Goiabeira, Amora, Ipê amarelo, Urucum, Ipê mirim, Moringa, Limão rosa, Mexerica, Laranja, Alecrim do Campo, Bananeira, Pimenta do reino, Beringela, Pimentão, Couve, Brócolis, Couve-flor, Tomate, Alecrim do campo, Espinheira Santa, Sálvia, Geranio, Terramicina,Hibisco/Vinagreira, Bálsamo, Mandioca, Milho, Batata doce, Amendoim
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Arbitrum Contract
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Boa Ventura ReFi
Boa Ventura Farm is a space focused on multi-value projects (community, cultural, ecological and indicator-based), open to partnerships and volunteering. It is located in Cavalcante - GO, Chapada dos Veadeiros, in the microregion of northeastern Goiás, approximately 360 km from Brasília, the federal capital, and 560 km from Goiânia, the state capital. It is part of the northern portion of the APA - Pouso Alto Environmental Protection Area and borders the SHPCK - Kalunga Historical and Cultural Heritage Site.
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Arbitrum Contract
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